American Society of Agricultural and Biological Engineers
Positively Impacting Food, Water, Energy & the Environment.
ASABE endeavors to encourage original research; foster education; advance the standards of engineering; and increase and extend the association of agricultural, food, and biological systems engineers among themselves and with allied scientists and technologists.
ASABE comprises members from more than 100 countries. Members are consultants, executives, conservationists, researchers and others who are uniquely trained to understand the interrelationships between technology and living systems. Among the areas in which agricultural and biological engineers take leadership in innovation are:, Food safety, processing and storage, Soil and water quality and management, Biomass handling, Irrigation, drainage and soil erosion, Aquaculture systems design, Agricultural productivity, Biological applications for nanotechnology, Agricultural waste management, Forest management, Energy for agriculture and rural development

2950 Niles Road
St. Joseph, MI 49085
Scott Cedarquist