Indiana University South Bend
Your Future is Waiting
The Center for a Sustainable Future works with the campus and community to find innovative and engaging ways to meet the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. We focus on the discovery and dissemination of practices and strategies that are ecologically friendly, economically sound, and socially responsible. Our goal is to help Michiana become one of most vibrant and leading regions in the newly emerging green economy.Since it’s establishment in 2008, the Center has developed new sustainability curriculum, facilitated research in sustainability, and fostered civic engagement to help develop sustainability action plans. The Center strives to engage the campus and greater Michiana communities in creating a future focused on the “triple bottom line:” choices that are good for people and the planet, as well as profits, and that take into account ecological and social performance, are promoted and encouraged by the Center.

Indiana University South Bend
Wiekamp Hall Rm 2249
1700 Mishawaka Ave
P.O. Box 7111
South Bend, IN 46634-7111
Krista Bailey