Professional Members

Cortney Beard

Safe Harbor Home Services

Kamryn Bice

Hope College

Ethel Clark-Griffin

Phenomenal Woman

Chris Cook


Lauren Copping

Design Declassified

Board Member

Mike Csapo


Youssef Darwich

Water Stone Gardens

Grace DeBest

Grand Valley State University

Ann Erhardt

Krystle Formsma


Abby Frankhouse

Worthen Industries

Mary Freeman

Lean & Green Michigan

Michelle Seppala Gibbs

Hope College

Isabela Gonzalez

Grand Valley State University

Anna Guthery

Hope College

Anna Horner

Wightman and Associates, Inc.

Christine Kelly

Allendale Public Schools

Shayna Kerkstra

Catalyst Partners

Joe Kollig


Brandi McClinton

Environmental Justice Activist

Monika Moore

Grand Valley State University

Christine Morse

Thomas J. Newhouse

Aaron Newman

Stephen Price

Hope College

Barbara Radewald

Anne Sailers

Jared Seifert

Design Declassigied

Jade Shi

Sydney Stewart

Calvin University

Janet-Sue Strait

Co-Lead of the Grand Rapids/Grand Haven Citizen Climate Lobby Chapters

Maggie Sytsema

Calvin University

Michele Upton

Ferris State University

Janet Vail

Grand Valley State University

Matt VanSweden

Foresight Management

Natalie Vezina

Gary Vincent

Meters & Controls, Inc.

Destiny Washington

Michigan State University

James Wilson


William Wilson

Phoenix Resources, LLC

Katharine Wolfe

Calvin University

Melissa Zelenak

Antrim Conservation District
